Our office provides comprehensive dental services for the whole family. Preventative care is a main goal for achieving a healthy smile. Other services provided in our office include:
We provide movie goggles during dental procedures which leads to more patient comfort.
Bring your favorite DVD or select from our movie library.
Digital photographs taken with our intraoral cameras are a useful diagnostic and education tool. These small cameras show you what we see during your exam and help us guide you through your diagnosis and treatment options. They also enable us to diagnose issues we might not have been able to see without the up-close view.
Bring your favorite DVD or select from our movie library.
Tired of long dental visits and the aching jaw that comes with them? The revolutionary Isolite™ system will completely change the way you think about going to the dentist! Isolite’s soft, flexible mouthpiece lets you rest your jaw during treatment, and it also illuminates your mouth from the inside so we can work more efficiently.